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1821: what was Greek or revolutionary about it?



1821: what was Greek or revolutionary about it?


14 January 2021


“What is the Age of the Revolutions and what is the role of the Greek revolution in it? Who were the "Greeks" who revolted? How Greek and radical was the revolution? We are used to equating the revolution with 1821, with its outbreak. When, however, did it end? And how much did it change until it was over? And finally, does all this matter today? These are some of the questions that we will discuss. And we shall do that while trying to forget what happened after the revolution. Because only by considering the result as merely a possibility among others, can we appreciate and understand the revolution of 1821, its innovations, but also its many contradictions. In other words, only in this way can we give it its lost youth.”

From the description of the event, as it was published on the event's website of Facebook.

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First lecture of the lecture series "2021/1821: Dialogues in the digital era".

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