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Aspects of the ecclesiastical history of Venetian-ruled Lefkada



Aspects of the ecclesiastical history of Venetian-ruled Lefkada


17 June 2021

Date Issued



As part of the bicentenary marking the beginning of the Greek Revolution, the Youth Centre of the Holy Metropolis of Lefkada and Ithaca hosts an online event entitled “Around our Great ‘21”. The 15th and penultimate talk concerns aspects of the ecclesiastical history of Venetian-ruled Lefkada. The speaker presents the historical context of the Ionian Islands and especially of Lefkada long before the Greek revolution, starting from 1204. The Ionian Islands were ruled by Franks, Venetians, French and English, who formed the Ionian State. The Venetian presence on the islands was long and thus the Ionian culture was formed. The ecclesiastical affairs constituted a whole that belonged to the spiritual jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with relative autonomy. The ecclesiastical situation was not the same in every island. The data for the Venetian period in Lefkada and the ecclesiastical history of the island is taken from archival material and sources. The speaker also describes the situation created after the Venetian-Ottoman wars until the occupation of the Ionian Islands by the democratic French in 1797, where their inhabitants welcomed them with enthusiasm hoping for national and ecclesiastical restoration.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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