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The national struggles of the Macedonians from 1453 to 1878



The national struggles of the Macedonians from 1453 to 1878


09 May 2021

Date Issued



The Holy Metropolis of Veria, Naoussa and Kampania hosts a conference of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece on: “The national struggles of the Macedonians from 1453 to 1878”, on the occasion of the memory of the two saint neomartyrs of Naoussa and the holocaust of the heroic city of Naoussa. This conference, as well as ceremonies in honour of the saints coincided with the bicentenary of the proclamation of the Greek Revolution. In the first session, the topics developed by the speakers were: “Reflections and reflections on 200 years since the national regeneration: Struggle and sacrifice in Macedonia”, “The pre-revolutionary movements in Naoussa”, “Gerotasos from Veria and Naoussa”,” The holy neomartyrs”. In the second session the speakers discuss the following topics: “The Macedonians in the 1821 Revolution”, “The pre-revolutionary history of Veria and the struggles of the clergy”, “The participation of the church in the most important revolutionary movements in Macedonia: Halkidiki, Veria, Naoussa, Pieria (1821/22–1878)”.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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