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The Greek national anthem: Audiovisual approach to the steps to liberty



The Greek national anthem: Audiovisual approach to the steps to liberty


24 May 2021

Date Issued



As part of its series of talks on 1821, the Iakovatios Library held its fifth online discussion on the topic “The Greek National Anthem: an audiovisual approach to the steps to liberty”. The purpose of the speaker is to project the text of the anthem and not historical events of the revolution. Initially he gives information about Solomos’ “Hymn to Freedom”, printed in 1825 in Messolongi by Dimitrios Mestheneas. It then presents the content and parts of the Hymn by analysing verses and verses. Some of the themes that come from the text are freedom, the continuation of Hellenism, the ideals of the fighters while it highlights the whole Greek Revolution such as glorious historical events and naval achievements of the Greeks, the Great Powers, the philhellenes, diplomacy, the political situation, Orthodoxy and religion. Solomos received criticism and remarks about the lyrics, a fact that bothered him and for this he tried to defend the national anthem.

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