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From the occupation of Lesvos by the Turks until the burning of the Turkish two-decker in Eressos, Lesvos, in 1821



From the occupation of Lesvos by the Turks until the burning of the Turkish two-decker in Eressos, Lesvos, in 1821


4 July 2021

Date Issued



In the context of the national bicentenary of the 1821 Greek Revolution, the Holy Diocese of Mytilini organises a speech on the topic “From the occupation of Lesvos by the Turks to the burning of the Turkish two-decker in Eressos, Lesvos, in 1821”. The speaker presents the historical context of the island from its capture by the Ottomans on 1 September 1462 until the 1821 Revolution. The island never lost its hope and its Orthodox faith due to the contribution of the local church. In the end, he mentions an important historical event, the burning of the Turkish two-decker Ferman Diynemez in Eressos on 27 May 1821 by Papanikolis and Lekkas. He emphasises the novelty of this achievement, the enthusiasm it aroused but the serious consequences for the inhabitants of the island.

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Number Of Pages - Duration

41:30 AM


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