Microgeographies in question: Conflicts between rural communities over the use of natural resources in the Peloponnese under revolt
Microgeographies in question: Conflicts between rural communities over the use of natural resources in the Peloponnese under revolt
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01 October 2021
"After the establishment of the Provisional Administration of Greece (1822), its institutions were inundated with dozens of reports from rural communities in various parts of the Peloponnese, requesting the intervention of the central revolutionary administration in their conflicts with neighbouring settlements over natural resources – primarily cultivated land, but also, more rarely, pastures and water sources. The examination of the appeals of the parties involved and other archival material produced by the revolutionary authorities in their attempt to shed light on the requests and come up with acceptable solutions show that the 1821 Revolution led, in many cases, to the rearrangement of the geography of agricultural and livestock activity on a small scale and associated relationships, of existing power relations and of the solidarity between rural communities. These controversies show in a vivid way the competition, often violent in character, for scarce resources, especially land, an issue of central importance in rural society in any case. At the same time, their investigation enables us to capture an aspect of a revolution “from below” for the rural population, hitherto unknown in historiography. In addition, it allows the linking of the intercommunal conflicts with other processes, such as the emergence of the central revolutionary authority as an arbiter quite early on."
From the book of abstracts of the conference, as it was published on the organizer's website.
From the book of abstracts of the conference, as it was published on the organizer's website.
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