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Hack the Map: Rigas Velestinlis’ Charta



Hack the Map: Rigas Velestinlis’ Charta

Spatial Coverage


15 January 2021–25 June 2021


On the occasion of the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution, the Onassis Foundation and Onassis Library organize the national student competition “Hack the map: Rigas Velestinlis’ Charta” for the creation of digital works. The competition is organised in collaboration with the Cartographic Heritage Archive of the General State Archives/Historical Archive of Macedonia, and the Department of Geography of the Harokopio University, Athens. New technologies, riddles and symbols are used in a multimedia competition that draws its inspiration on a famous and rare map, inviting groups of students to create a digital game, a digital story, or applications of virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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