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Byron: (Re)writing history through digital games



Byron: (Re)writing history through digital games


10 June 2021


Even though history is mediated by narratives through books, movies, radio, and television shows, we observed that in the beginning of the 21st century people make sense of the historical past through software, such as databases, digital platforms, social media, digital games and so on The mediation between people and historical past are based on the software culture of algorithmically representations in conjunction with people’s performances on the digital world. Digital games are the most striking example where players’ performances play a pivotal role in non-linear historical narratives. In this session, we are going to discuss how digital games (re) write history through an example, the “Byron” game. “Byron” is a digital game concerning the Greek Revolution created by the Department of Informatics and the Department of History at the Ionian University. The main purpose of this game is to present the social identities during Greek Revolution, their several perspectives based on their motives and how their performances affected on this Revolution.

(Slightly modified abstract from the conference programme)

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