A map, a coin, a story about freedom
A map, a coin, a story about freedom
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September 2021-June 2022
Through this educational programme, designed by the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki jointly with the General State Archives, Archive of Macedonia and the Cartographic Heritage Archive, students will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Charta of Greece by Rigas Velestinlis and to understand the supervisory effectiveness of the map as concise and direct source of information and ideas. During the programme, the Charta turns into a board game, in which children are asked to follow paths, read the map, observe the symbols, play with the coins, comment and tell their own stories in order to complete a map tour, an imaginary journey into the places, myths and people that inspired a Revolution.
(Edited and translated description from Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki website)
(Edited and translated description from Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki website)
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The program is addressed to students of the 5th and the 6th grade of Elementary School.
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