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Boston, the capital of American philhellenism



Boston, the capital of American philhellenism


20 October 2021


Great philhellenic figures such as Samuel Gridley Howe, Edward Everett, Daniel Webster, Jonathan Peckham Miller and Thomas Lindall Winthrop, were active in the wider area of New England. Strong supporters of the struggle for the independence of Greece, the American philhellenes fought, organised committees, raised money for the Greek revolutionaries and provided money for the studies of the orphaned Greek children they brought with them to the USA returning from Greece. Manny Parashos, Emeritus Professor of Journalism at Emerson College, and Stratos Efthymiou, Consul General of Greece in Boston, trace the roots of the American philhellenic movement in 19th-century Boston, the imprint it left on American society, racial, social and political emancipation movements.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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