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Panagia Thymiani, the Holy Lavra of Crete: 1821 Revolution



Panagia Thymiani, the Holy Lavra of Crete: 1821 Revolution



27 March 2021

Date Issued



The HJ-06 "Kydon" branch, Crete, of Ahepa Hellas presents one of the important but unknown chapters of the epic struggle of the 1821 Greek Revolution written that occurred in in Panagia Thymiani monastery in Sfakia. The event will also be attended by the Daughters of Penelope 436, Armonia, Chania. The main speaker of the online event is Zacharenia Simandiraki, special collaborator of the General State Archives. The historian and author will talk about the church built during the Venetian occupation in the 15th century near the village of Komitades, and where in May 1821 the Cretan chiefs gathered to announce their decision to join the uprising for a free Greece and to shake off the Turkish yoke. The struggle continued with fierce bloody battles uninterruptedly throughout the Island until 1830, but to no avail. The great importance that the church acquired in the national liberation struggle gave it the nickname “Agia Lavra of Crete”. And for this reason Panagia Thymiani will host commemorative events marking the proclamation of the revolution in Crete.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

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