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The political context of the conflict between Ioannis Gouras and Odysseas Androutsos



The political context of the conflict between Ioannis Gouras and Odysseas Androutsos


15 June 2022


In 1825 Ioannis Gouras represented an enlarged community council, which was characteriszed by the increased participation of householders from the community of Athens. Gouras seems to have been the political representative of an alliance of traditional political forces that were characterised as notables with the new political forces that emerged from the Greek Revolution, which belonged to the householders category. Especially for 1825, the increased political presence of the householders in the community council testifies to an internal change of political correlations, which was also reflected in their increased economic power in relation to pre-revolutionary years. Those who gained political power for the first time during the revolution and who were characterised as householders could not do anything other than begrudging the “innovations” of the ain the field of the economy. However, the threat that would arise for these social forces in an extra-institutional framework would be far greater than any threat to individual economic issues. At this point the convergence with the central administration of the nation was achieved, despite the disagreements within the community of Athens over this convergence.

(Edited and translated abstract from organiser’s website)

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