Fashion and luxury in Wallachia during the Greek Revolution
Fashion and luxury in Wallachia during the Greek Revolution
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January 2021
After the historical album “Phanariotes in Wallachia and Moldavia”, which was released with great success four years ago and was lucky enough to be awarded by the Academy of Athens, follows an ambitious volume that continues the research for the Greeks of Wallachia through iconographic and other sources, which testify to the way they experienced their daily life, during the period of the Greek Revolution. This new volume was also authored by Tudor Dinu, Professor of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Bucharest. Exactly two hundred years ago the Greek revolution broke out in the territory of the Danubian Principalities, which had been ruled for a century by Greeks from Phanar. Thanks to them, Bucharest and Iasi were transformed into major centres of Hellenism in which the cultural and political renaissance of the nation was prepared. Guided by fiery patriotism, many Greeks of the Principalities enlisted in the Sacred Band of Alexandros Ypsilantis, taking up arms for the liberation, while, after the suppression of the revolution in the Romanian lands, they settled in Greece, contributing firstly to its liberation, and then to the organisation of the newly formed state. Several others remained in Wallachia and Moldavia, contributing greatly to the development and westernisation of the Principalities, along with other compatriots attracted by the business opportunities offered on the Danube estuary after the Treaty of Adrianople (1829). For the first time, the world of Greek Wallachia of 1800, which Rigas Velestinlis considered an integral part of wider Hellenism, is reviving in an unexpected way thanks to the research of Professor Dinu, who studied all available sources, written and iconographical (clothing kept in museums and in private collections, portraits, votive portraits in churches) to represent the dress and way of life of the ruling class of the Danubian Principalities in the first half of the 19th century. This is a luxurious clothing that is characterised by absolute elegance, regardless of whether it follows the old oriental tradition or the new fashion, coming from the West.
An important book – a tribute to the 200 years of the free Greek state – not through a chronology of battles and wars but through the way of life of the protagonists of the Greek revolution in the Danubian Principalities.
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
An important book – a tribute to the 200 years of the free Greek state – not through a chronology of battles and wars but through the way of life of the protagonists of the Greek revolution in the Danubian Principalities.
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
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