The Jews in the world of Modern Greek Enlightenment and the 1821 Revolution
The Jews in the world of Modern Greek Enlightenment and the 1821 Revolution
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The essays included in this volume focus on the significant relationship of the Jewish question, but also of the Jews themselves, with the Modern Greek Enlightenment and the 1821 Revolution. Following a long archival research that began in Greece and continued in France, Germany, Israel, as well as in America, we made use of unknown documents, which we publish here and thanks to which important aspects of the era that have fallen into oblivion are revealed. This is the first research step in the attempt to re-examine the role, activity and dynamics of the Jewish population in a period of radical changes, which extends from the pre-revolutionary times and the revolution to some decades after the establishment of the Greek state. Through central and eccentric narratives, we discuss the multidimensional character of the process of forming the Greek identity, we capture the contribution of the Jews to the 1821 Revolution, we highlight the visions of the time, but also demonstrate the refutations that followed. From this perspective, the subject in question goes beyond the historical context within which it is limited, revealing its unexpected topicality.
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
(Edited and translated blurb from publisher’s website)
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