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Online walk through enterprises of the Greek Revolution: The case of the gunpowder mills of Dimitsana



Online walk through enterprises of the Greek Revolution: The case of the gunpowder mills of Dimitsana

Spatial Coverage


30 March 2021


In the context of the educational activities of the 4th Regional Centre for Educational Planning of Attica, the Coordinator of the Educational Project PE80 Economy Dimitra Makri organises for the teachers of PE80 an online educational activity on the topic “Online walk in businesses of the Greek revolution: The case of the gunpowder mills of Dimitsana”. The goal is to get to know the gunpowder mills of Dimitsana while making a small tribute to the Greek revolution.

(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)

Type specialization


Data sets


Bibliographic Citation

Number Of Pages - Duration

2 hours


BY-NC Attribution-NonCommercial

Position: 6608 (26 views)