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Ottoman rule in southeastern Europe before the Greek Revolution



Ottoman rule in southeastern Europe before the Greek Revolution


24 February 2021


"In the late 18th and early 19th centuries the administration of the Ottoman Empire was characterised by the confrontation between central and regional authorities. Muslim landowners (ayan) had managed to build large areas and take advantage of the tax farming system, while they had their own troops and could thus often challenge the sultan’s power. After the failed attempt of Sultan Selim III (1789–1807) to restore the power of the central government, the effort was successfully continued by Mahmud II (1808–1839). His efforts, successful this time around, were met with strong reactions: uprisings erupted and intense disputes over sultanate power spread from southeastern Europe to Asia Minor, Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia and the Arabian Peninsula. At the same time, as a result of another unfortunate Russo–Ottoman War (1806–1812), the Ottoman Empire ceded Bessarabia to the Russian Empire.

It was in this Ottoman context that the Greek Revolution broke out. The sultan managed to impose the power of the central government in most cases, except for Egypt, where Mehmet Ali prevailed and, of course, Greece, which became an independent state."

(Edited and translated abstract from the series' programme)

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