The other lives of 1821
The other lives of 1821
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8 April 2021
In 2021 we celebrate the bicentenary the outbreak of the Greek Revolution of 1821. We are used to looking for the traces of 1821 in battles and important heroes. The echo of this revolution that led to the creation of the Greek state resonated in other places as well. What is the significance of the revolution in Mount Athos and what in the Balkans? What is the significance of 1821 in poetry and painting? Historians from the Department of History and Ethnology will talk at the event. One of the largest public history projects will also be presented by the Laboratory of Modern and Contemporary History, which records the events for the 1821 bicentenary worldwide.
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
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