Two centuries of Greek economy: Between growth, underdevelopment and degrowth
Two centuries of Greek economy: Between growth, underdevelopment and degrowth
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14-15 May 2021
The Departments of Public Administration and Social Policy of Panteion University; Accounting and Finance of the University of Western Macedonia; Department of Economics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; International Hellenic University; Economic Society of Thessaloniki; Institute for Social Research Dimitris Batsis (IKE Batsis); and the Study Group of Sraffaian Economics (OMSO) organize the 4th Scientific Conference on the Productive Reconstruction of Greece, entitled “Two Centuries of Greek Economy. Between Growth, Underdevelopment, and Degrowth.”
The double anniversary, positive and negative, of the completion of two centuries of the modern Greek state and the extrapolation of the “Greek crisis” within the framework of European integration, imposes the critical review of the course of the Greek economy-society inspired by the determinants of the future.
The intractable issue, however, is that the available models, studies and analyses compose an “incompatible triangle”, at the same time where the sides of this triangle seem to be essential aspects of the modern Greek historical reality itself:
- Impressive, both in terms of pace and dimensions, economic, political, cultural and ideological development.
- abrupt and non-transient reversals, followed by periods of underdevelopment: macroeconomic instability, microeconomic disorientation, unilateral unfolding of productive forces, lack of productive relations, epistemological bias, limp cultural production, domination of ideological constructs and “great ideas”.
- The most than ten-year long “Greek crisis”, which exceeded all the delivered, economic and non-economic, standards on cyclical changes (prosperity-crisis-recession-recovery), with which it opened an unprecedented, extensive and intensive, process of degrowth.
The resolution of this issue, based on the reconstitution or even exceeding of existing proposals of the social sciences, in combination with the realist identification of alternative perspectives of socio-economically sustainable development of our country, define the object of the work of this conference.
Thematic units of the lectures of the conference
1: Law, Administration, Institutions, Politics
2: Ideology, Worldviews and Beliefs, Culture
3: History, Historiography
4: Economy, Technology, Ways and Forms of Production and Management
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
The double anniversary, positive and negative, of the completion of two centuries of the modern Greek state and the extrapolation of the “Greek crisis” within the framework of European integration, imposes the critical review of the course of the Greek economy-society inspired by the determinants of the future.
The intractable issue, however, is that the available models, studies and analyses compose an “incompatible triangle”, at the same time where the sides of this triangle seem to be essential aspects of the modern Greek historical reality itself:
- Impressive, both in terms of pace and dimensions, economic, political, cultural and ideological development.
- abrupt and non-transient reversals, followed by periods of underdevelopment: macroeconomic instability, microeconomic disorientation, unilateral unfolding of productive forces, lack of productive relations, epistemological bias, limp cultural production, domination of ideological constructs and “great ideas”.
- The most than ten-year long “Greek crisis”, which exceeded all the delivered, economic and non-economic, standards on cyclical changes (prosperity-crisis-recession-recovery), with which it opened an unprecedented, extensive and intensive, process of degrowth.
The resolution of this issue, based on the reconstitution or even exceeding of existing proposals of the social sciences, in combination with the realist identification of alternative perspectives of socio-economically sustainable development of our country, define the object of the work of this conference.
Thematic units of the lectures of the conference
1: Law, Administration, Institutions, Politics
2: Ideology, Worldviews and Beliefs, Culture
3: History, Historiography
4: Economy, Technology, Ways and Forms of Production and Management
(Edited and translated description from organiser’s website)
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