The use of archival/cartographic material in the educational process: The example of Rigas' Charta
The use of archival/cartographic material in the educational process: The example of Rigas' Charta
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January 2021-May 2022
The Charta of Greece, Rigas Velestinlis’ large map, measuring 2 × 2 m, a copy of which is kept at the Central Office of the General State Archives, is an excellent example of good practice for highlighting an archival map and its use in the educational process … Apart from the clear revolutionary intention of its creator, the Charta is an excellent supervisory educational aid for use in the educational process, in the standards of the atlases that were widely circulated at that time throughout Europe, raising issues and ideas that despite the 200 years that have passed, continue to engage students, teachers and those who wish to be citizens of a free, prosperous state. The workshop is primarily aimed at primary and secondary school teachers, but also to those who are interested in enriching their knowledge about Rigas Velestinlis, to navigate the time, places, symbolism, hidden messages of the Charta and to understand how the Charta spoke about the dream of the Revolution and the vision of a free, prosperous state.
(Edited and translated description from Cartographic Heritage Archive website)
(Edited and translated description from Cartographic Heritage Archive website)
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