Rigas Velestinlis' Charta of Greece: The era, the map, the revolution
Rigas Velestinlis' Charta of Greece: The era, the map, the revolution
Spatial Coverage
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January 2021-May 2022
The Charta of Greece, the large map of Rigas Velestinlis, measuring almost 2 × 2 m, is one of the most important artworks of the Modern Greek Enlightenment and a reference point not only for the history of Greek cartography, but also for the formation of ideas and dreams that inspired the 1821 Greek Revolution. The educational programme “Rigas Velestinlis’ Charta of Greece: The era, the map, the revolution” aims to highlight and interpret the rich and important content of the Charta. The audiovisual projection and presentation on the multi-thematic historical and ideological content of the Charta and the tour of its locations, its symbolism, its hidden messages, lead us to understand Rigas’ dream for revolution and freedom and his vision for a free State of equality and justice.
(Edited and translated description from R Cartographic Heritage Archive website)
(Edited and translated description from R Cartographic Heritage Archive website)
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The program, adapted each time appropriately to the age, is addressed to students from the 5th grade of the Elementary to 3rd Lyceum, as well as to adults.
Position: 10317 (22 views)