The place and itopia of the Revolution: Stories from the Charta
The place and itopia of the Revolution: Stories from the Charta
Spatial Coverage
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January 2021-May 2022
Inspired by exceptional clarity and insight, Rigas chose a map to tell stories and talk about ideas, realising the power of the map's communicative language, which utilises symbols and images. Incorporating ancient coins, symbolic representations, multiple landmarks, comments and omissions, topographic drawings, lists of persons into the geographical depiction, Rigas creates an anthology and gathers a wealth of information and gives the reader reasons to get to know places and mentalities of people, realising travel on the map. The educational programme “The place and Utopia of the Revolution: Stories from the Charta” explores the stories contained in the Charta, their connection to the classical and verbal tradition of the Greek Enlightenment, the Europe of Enlightenment and classical antiquity and its impact their vision for the creation of an ideal democratic state of free citizens in the Balkans.
(Edited and translated description from R Cartographic Heritage Archive website)
(Edited and translated description from R Cartographic Heritage Archive website)
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The program, adapted each time appropriately to the age, is addressed to students from the 5th grade of the Elementary to 3rd Lyceum, as well as to adults.
Position: 9631 (19 views)