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1821-2021: 200 years since the Greek Revolution



1821-2021: 200 years since the Greek Revolution

List Of Authors


03 March 2021 - 15 December 2021


The lecture series entitled "1821-2021 200 years since the Greek Revolution" took place from March to December 2021 at the University of Cyprus in order to commemorate the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution of 1821. Here is the complete program, as it was published on University of Cyprus' website:

3 Paschalis M. Kitromelides: Enlightenment and Revolution
10 Alexis Politis: Literature in the years of the Revolution
Panagiotis Michailaris: Philiki Etaireia: from the founding of Odessa (1814), to the eruption of Morea (1821)
Dimitrios M. Kontogeorgis: The Philiki Etaireia and the Balkan peoples. Plans, achievements and failures
Julia Hatzipanagioti-Sangmeister: Freemasonry and the Greek Revolution of 1821: bourgeois publicity, social ideas, revolutionary action
24 Prokopis Pavlopoulos: Aspects of the course of the Greek nation: roots and perspectives
31 Ioannis P. Theocharidis: Cyprus and 1821
Constantin Irodotou: The route of the Cypriot Hatzi-Petrakis: Greek Revolution and philhellenic networks
Petros Papapolyviou: Cypriot fighters in 1821: An assessment
Michalis N. Michael: An Ottoman power in the midst of a revolution

7 Chariton Karanasios: Church and education from the Fall of Constantinople to the Revolution
Dimitris Stamatopoulos: The Greek revolution and the transformations of the Roman millet in the decade 1821-1830
Andreas Nanakis: From Church leading nations to the nations of the Balkans
14 Eleni Angelomatis-Tsougarakis: Heroines and victims: women in the Greek Revolution
Anna Tabaki: The emergence of female scholarship
21 Ioannis Stribis: Loans and International Law
Maria-Christina Chatziioannou: The loans of the Greek Revolution: intermediaries and international lending in the early 19th century
Simos Bozikis: Public economy and the formation of a state in 1821


12 Nikos Andriotis: Refugees in the liberated areas during the Revolution of 1821: coexistence, confrontation, integration
Gelina Harlaftis: The Struggle at sea and the Greek maritime centers
19 1821-2021: research, exhibitions, activities
Ioannis Iliadis: ‘Naples, Cyprus and the Greek National Renaissance’ (Society of Cypriot Studies)
Tasos Sakellaropoulos – Maria Dimitriadou: The anniversary exhibition ‘1821 before and after’ (Benaki Museum)

26 1821-2021: research, exhibitions, activity
Charalambos G. Hotzakoglou: ‘Testimonies for 1821 in Cyprus from Greek and foreign archives’ (Society of Cypriot Studies)
Nassia Yakovaki: ‘Typoscopio 1821: building an open access tool. Initiative for systematic indexing of newspapers in the Greek Revolution’ ❧ ‘Philiki Etaireia. Documentation issues’ (Department of Political Science and Public Administration, NKUA)


6 Elli Droulia: The Information Technology of 1821: Press, Typography, News
Jacques Bouchard: Georgios Tertsetis and the Memoir
Stathis Koutrouvides: What do family archives reveal about people's actions during the Revolution?
13 Charalampos G. Chotzakoglou: Painting Cypriot images for revolutionary flintlocks
Dora Markatos: Commemorating the Greek Revolution, 1821-1930: Heroes, monuments and national identity
Vicky (Vayia) Karaiskou: Cyprus: places of memory-places of art: narratives of 1821 heroes

20 Roderick Beaton: Lord Byron at Messolonghi: the political significance of his contribution to the Greek Struggle
Konstantinos Maras: Building Europe from below: the movement of philhellenic associations as an early form of European unification
27 George Tolias: The shape of Philhellenism
Alexandra Sfoini: The philhellenic press during the Revolution of 1821: types of publications and scope of the phenomenon
Panagiotis El Gedi: Digital Atlas of Philhellenism: An attempt to map the routes of the philhellenes in revolutionary Greece (1821-1833)


3 Spyridon Flogaitis: Political thought, Constitutions and Revolution
Nikitas Chatzimihail: The Greek Revolution and the paradigm shift in legal thought
Christos Loukos: Ioannis Kapodistrias’ life and work: a historical approach
Yannis Kokkonas: A look at the selection, training and evaluation of teachers during the Kapodistrias’ period


1 The Greek Revolution of 1821, an assessment
Discussing: Prokopios Pavlopoulos, Spyridon Flogaitis
15 The Greek Revolution of 1821, an assessment
Discussing: Paschalis M. Kitromelides, Vassilis Panagiotopoulos, Ioannis K. Hasiotis”.

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